Sunday, October 24, 2010

Law and Order

Rule Of Genius Just as a human body has a brain to make decisions, it is essential that society also have a government to make decisions. Therefore, we will do everything we can to set up a government that practices geniocracy, which puts intelligence in power. Brecause if we look at the political and economic aspects of life, we have to think that what kind of people allows humanity to progress. Answer is the geniuses. Therefore, our world must revalorize its geniuses and allow them to govern.
If we see than we find that power is in the hands of brutes, who are superior to others because of their muscular strength. Next in power are the rich, who used their money to employ many “brutes” in their service. Then comes the politicians, who ensnared the people of democratic countries with their own hopes - not to mention military men whose success has been based around the rational organization of brutality.
The only types of people we have never placed in power are the ones who help humanity to progress. Whether they discovered the wheel, gunpowder, the internal combustion engine or the atom, the geniuses have always allowed less intelligent people in power to benefit from their inventions. Often such people have used peaceful inventions for murderous ends. All that must be changed.
For this to happen, we have to abolish all our electoral and polling systems because in their present form, they are completely unsuited to human development. Each person is a useful cell in this huge body we call humanity. The cell in our foot should not decide whether or not our hand should pick up a given object. It is the brain, which must decide, and if the object in question is good, the cell of our foot will benefit from it. It is not up to the foot to vote. Its job is simply to transport the body - including the brain - and it is not capable of judging if what the hand takes is good or not.
Votes only have a positive effect when there is an equivalence of knowledge and intellect. A majority of incompetent people condemned Copernicus because he was the only one at that time who had a sufficiently high level of comprehension. Although the Church - that is to say the majority - believed the Earth was the center of the universe, this turned out to be wrong. The Earth really revolved around the sun; and Copernicus - the minority - turned out to be right.
When the first car was invented, and if we had asked everyone to vote to establish whether cars should be allowed to exist or not, the majority, who knew nothing about cars and did not care, would have responded negatively, and we would still be riding in a horse and cart. So, how can we change all that?Iron Man 2 (Three-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)[Image]
These days, we have psychologists who are capable of creating tests to evaluate the intelligence and adaptation of every individual. These tests should be applied systematically from infancy onward in order to define each individual’s orientation towards subjects studied. When individuals reach a responsible age, their intellectual coefficient can be measured and included on their identity or voter’s card.
· Only those with an intellectual capacity of at least fifty per cent above the average should be eligible for a public post. 
· To vote, individuals would need an intellectual coefficient of at least ten per cent above average. 
If such a system existed now, many of our present politicians would not hold the positions they do today. Ours is totally democratic system. There are many engineers, for example, who are of lower than average intelligence, but who have very good memories and have obtained several academic degrees because of this.
On the other hand, there are many laborers or farm workers who have no specialized education at all, but whose intelligence is fifty per cent above the average. What is totally unacceptable now is that the voice of someone whom we might vulgarly call “a cretin” is worth as much as that of a genius, who has thought maturely about the way he or she is going to vote. In some small cities, the candidate who buys people the most drinks wins elections- not by the individual whose policies are the most interesting.
Therefore, right from the start, the right to vote should be reserved for those people whose brains are more suited to thinking and finding solutions to problems - that is to say, an elite group of high intelligence. This does not necessarily mean those people who have done the most studying.
We are talking about placing the genius in power, and we may call that “Geniocracy”.
(This opinion of mine is formed after reading a book "Intelligent designs"...and I hope that all of you readers may agree. Together we can bring a revolution and can enter in a golden age which is free from all evils...)
- Pratibha Misraa

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